I will be sharing various media arts oriented resources and links here, such as work I've produced, contributed to, am testing out, or that I have found to be useful.
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The State and Future of Media Arts Edu - CA-US Presentation on Media Arts at the 1st Media Arts Edu Symposium at Grand Arts HS in LAUSD - provides an introduction to Media Arts, a brief history and current status. Portions of this presentation regarding Maryland were produced by Barbara Liedahl of the Media Arts Committee, National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
California Association for Arts Education (CAEA) Presentation on Media Arts for Chromebooks and Remote Learning - Really, just a good overview of the categories of media arts education, points on teaching each, tools and learning sequences, all accessible to chromebook production.
CAEA Media Arts Intro - Remote/Blended © 2020 by Dain Olsen is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
LA Promise/LAUSD Presentation with basics of digital and cinematic storytelling - Script/shot list and Storyboarding
© 2024 by Dain Olsen is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Student Lesson - Photography 101
Photo students jump right into sophisticated photography with these three concepts - Color, composition and drama.
Teacher Handbook - Video Production - CA Student Voices Campaign
A comprehensive introduction to video production, published by CREATE CA, the alliance for arts education, for their Student Voices Campaign. Student produced videos are to advocate for the arts or other student priorities in schools.
Using this interactive, wild and expressive painting tool, which is free and online, students can have fun and be creative while they learn. This lesson will guide students in using Bomomo to make better compositions through using the rule of thirds and the principles of focus and balance.
Teacher Lesson Plan -
This is the teacher's guide for the Bomomo project, with standards, enduring understandings, a rubric for strong compositions, and step by step directions for a successful and fun lesson.